Orphion. I could not believe what’s going on here. Still on my first generation iPad it already feels like a fifth gen touch device with pressure detection. Touch softly to produce soft sounds – hit hard for loud and tinny sounds. Stunning. Bastus Trump did a splendid job developing this new digital instrument.
In 2014, Bastus was demanded by Apple to remove the app from the app store b/c Apple did not like the way Orphion uses the shape of the touch to play strong and soft sounds. What a silly decission! But your can still enable and enjoy the effect by double-tapping the version number in the about box.
Sometimes something is too fast to watch in detail on youtube. And youtube’s user interface is not suited to properly replay certain sections of a video; in this case: Don’t be so hot by Me and My Drummer to catch the chords. Snippz offers exactly that. Slow motion and jump marks for precise navigation.
[Update June 6, 2017] Snippz has just been updated to v2. More space for the video (image 1), which can even be zoomed. Less space for the timeline, which makes it a bit more difficult to edit the hot areas compared to v1 in the second image.
Waterlogue offers water color filters for photos. The results are impressive. However, for my taste, the app is a bit slow and the interaction is limited. I would prefer more influence on the pictures while they are painted by the algorithm.
Apollo MIDI over Bluetooth connects 2 devices with each other, either iOS or macOS. Hence my MIDI USB keyboard can now be connected with out any wires between Mac and iPad. The USB is plugged into the Mac, and Apollo transmits the MIDI over Bluetooth. Nice. Yet another successful link was just between AC Sabre on iPhone to ThumbJam on an iPad.
AC Sabre. Gestures to midi. After a few moments I’ve connected this music light sabre to ThumbJam on the same iPhone. More experiments and fun ahead. Get AC Sabre for 60% off until Jan-31.
Zu Beginn des Semesters habe ich mit den Studenten des Challenge Lab for Interactive Concepts /CLIC/ einen szenografischen Rundgang durch Schwerin veranstaltet. aufmerksam für das gewöhnliche ist eine Methode von Sven Klomp und geht auf einen UX Roundtable in Hamburg vor 3 Jahren zurück.
Nun also CLIC aufmerksam in Schwerin, das sich bereits in einigen Artikeln auf diesem Blog niedergeschlagen hat. Die urbane Expedition hatte mehrere Ziele, die auch alle sehr gut aufgegangen sind:
Irritation zu Beginn des Semesters als Signal, dass hier nicht alles so sein wird wie sonst
Bonding und Kennenlernen
Situatives Einfühlen in urbane Raumsituationen als Grundlage für das Generalthema Urbane Interaktionen
Mapping zwischen Erlebnis und Ausstellung und später noch die Repräsentation in google maps
Eine Online-Gemeinschaftsfotoausstellung bildet nun den Abschluss der Aktion. Jedes einzelne Bild ist so banal, als könnte es auch auf Insta erscheinen. Als Serie ergeben sich aber erneut überraschende Einsichten und Zusammenhänge, die wiederum eine eigene Bedeutungsebene darstellen.
Alfred significantly speeds-up the operation of the Mac. Press Cmd-Option-Control-Space to open a textbox hover and enter… text! This is a mini and powerful CLI (command line interface) to launch apps, find folders and open documents. Alfred can do much more than that, but just alone launching applications by thought and muscle memory leaves more time for being productive and creative.
As Noted. The simple and powerful personal note taking environment for iPhone, iPad, Android and Chrome on the desktop. Notes are synched via dropbox among all your devices. Tags, notebooks, search, im& export w/ Evernote. Simple and robust.
– Disclaimer: I am the designer and co-developer of As Noted.
iThoughtsX and iThoughts by toketaWare are two mind-mapping apps that synch between Mac and iPad/iPhone. In addition to sharing maps, customized styles can also be shared among devices. Tip-over diagrams – the example above is a UX Journey Map – have different layout rules depending on the node level. Typically they make good use of the real screen estate. Last not least, as in Mindcad Incubator, sheets can contain more than just one graph.