Kategorie-Archiv: music

Silbermann Reloaded @mprove

Geschnitzte Engelsfigur, die Orgel spielt

Die Orgel,

Königin der Musikinstrumente,

ein klingendes Weltkulturerbe,

ein antiker Synthesizer für Spezis und Nerds;

…und seit Coding Da Vinci Ost3 nun auch ein ausgezeichnetes Projekt für daheim und unterwegs am Laptop. Denn wer kennt nicht das Problem, dass man als Spezi oder Nerd mal schnell einen rausorgeln möchte? Silbermann Reloaded bietet den Klang einer alten Kirchenorgel von Gottfried Silbermann im Browser zum Spiel an. Die Computer-Tastatur wird zum Manual – 5 Register der Orgel von 1724 sind frei zu kombinieren und laden zu Klangexperimenten ein.

Taste A liefert den Ton A. Danach hören die Gemeinsamkeiten aber schon auf, und man präge sich lieber das Muster der schwarzen und weißen Tasten ein, die rechts des A folgen.

Projekt-Präsentation und Demo von Silbermann Reloaded

Sicherlich sind ausgefeiltere Interaktionen denkbar und möglich /und auch schon im Chrono Research Lab für Touch-Interfaces auf iPad realisiert/, aber keine App ist so niederschwellig zugänglich, da mit dem Keyboard-Web-Interface jeder Heim-Computer mit Tastatur die Orgel zum Klingen bringen kann.

In der Laudatio für den Preis in der Kategorie »Focus Sustainability« heißt es, daß durch Silbermann Reloaded der Zugang zur Orgel ermöglicht wird, die “gesellschaftlich eigentlich nicht mehr erreichbar oder greifbar ist.” Ja, danke, genau so ist es gemeint. Die Web-Seite ist eine Einladung zum Kennenlernen und Ausprobieren dieser gesampelten Orgel. Darüber hinaus werden einige Hintergrundinfos zur Geschichte des Instruments geliefert, die in einem Bombenangriff im Dezember 1943 fast völlig zerstört worden war.

Concepts & Development: Matthias MProve
Artist in Residence: Shoko Kuroe

Spiele eine alte Orgel und ein Cembalo mit Deiner Computer-Tastatur im Browser: Silbermann Reloaded

// Original: Silbermann Reloaded @mprove CC-BY-NC-4.0 Matthias | mprove.net | @mprove | Musings & Ponderings

Beethoven 9 by Amphio (app acquired from Touch Press) contains…

Beethoven 9 by Amphio (app acquired from Touch Press) contains four different complete recordings of Beethoven’s 9th smyphony, the complete video with Bernstein, an interactive score, informative comments in sync with the music, busy musicians as pulsing dots, and lots of video interviews. You can even switch between the interpretations at any time to hear the different orchestras! This is marvelous and designed with so much passion and deep understanding.
As a side note, the executive producer Max Whitby is also the director of Hyperland – a 1990 BBC documentary with Douglas Adams and Ted Nelson. Watch minute 18 to see the grand grand grandpa of Touch Press’ app.

From Touch Press’ Blog:

Beethoven 9

Orphion. I could not believe what’s going on here. Still on my…

Orphion. I could not believe what’s going on here. Still on my first generation iPad it already feels like a fifth gen touch device with pressure detection. Touch softly to produce soft sounds – hit hard for loud and tinny sounds. Stunning. Bastus Trump did a splendid job developing this new digital instrument.

In 2014, Bastus was demanded by Apple to remove the app from the app store b/c Apple did not like the way Orphion uses the shape of the touch to play strong and soft sounds. What a silly decission! But your can still enable and enjoy the effect by double-tapping the version number in the about box.

Here is a little tutorial how to customize and connect Orphion with ThumbJam to play a Hang on iPad.

Orphion | orphion.de | Orphion meets Moog | Bastus at Soundcloud | video tutorials

Sometimes something is too fast to watch in detail on youtube….

Sometimes something is too fast to watch in detail on youtube. And youtube’s user interface is not suited to properly replay certain sections of a video; in this case: Don’t be so hot by Me and My Drummer to catch the chords. Snippz offers exactly that. Slow motion and jump marks for precise navigation.

[Update June 6, 2017] Snippz has just been updated to v2. More space for the video (image 1), which can even be zoomed. Less space for the timeline, which makes it a bit more difficult to edit the hot areas compared to v1 in the second image.


Apollo MIDI over Bluetooth connects 2 devices with each other,…

Apollo MIDI over Bluetooth connects 2 devices with each other, either iOS or macOS. Hence my MIDI USB keyboard can now be connected with out any wires between Mac and iPad. The USB is plugged into the Mac, and Apollo transmits the MIDI over Bluetooth. Nice. Yet another successful link was just between AC Sabre on iPhone to ThumbJam on an iPad.

Apollo MIDI over Bluetooth for iOS | Apollo MIDI over Bluetooth for Mac 

The best to say about ThumbJam is that it made me curious to…

The best to say about ThumbJam is that it made me curious to explore the world of music on the iPad – and that it stayed among my top apps ever since. The number and quality of sampled instruments included  is impressive. More instruments can be downloaded for free. The variety of scales is a cultural journey around the globe. 

It should be mentioned that ThumbJam does a superbe job to take the gyroscope and accelerometer as input to twist and bend the sounds, e.g. shake the iPhone to play a wild e-guitar vibrato.

I’ve configured the screen above to play Hang 1. More layers are added for Hang 1.1 and Hang 1.2. MIDI support allows other apps to interact with ThumbJam.

Update: I even found an easter egg – on Easter!!


Animoog is a unique synth app for iPad and iPhone. Usually you…

Animoog is a unique synth app for iPad and iPhone. Usually you are overwhelmed by zillions of knobs and dials of emulated synthesisers. Not in Animoog because the app has a clear layout and navigation structure, and it comes with a impressive amount of presets that take you straight to playing sci-fi sounds on the keyboard. Mind your fingers! – the sound depends where you hit the keys and how you slide horizontally and vertically. Surprising enough, the small screen real-estate of iPhones is no limit, because the whole screen can be used for sliding tones!

Animoog for iPhone | Animoog for iPad