Kategorie-Archiv: rfc13

RFC13-7: Agenturen sind tot – Agenturen der Zukunft

Jeremy Tai Abbett, Svenja Teichmann (mod), Susanne LämmerJörg Jelden: Agenturen sind tot – Agenturen der Zukunft. Panel-Diskussion auf dem Reeperbahn Festival Campus 2013

Die Agenturlandschaft ist im Umbruch und die Kommunikationsbranche steht vor großen internen und externen Herausforderungen. Mehr denn je ist sie auf ein erfolgreiches Zusammenwirken verschiedenster Akteure angewiesen. Die Digitalisierung erfasst nicht nur das kommunikative Produkt, sondern immer stärker auch die Agentur als Organisation und deren Wertschöpfung. Zudem befinden sich Agenturen mittelfristig in einem schwierigen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Fahrwasser, denn die Unternehmen reduzieren vor dem Hintergrund stagnierender oder schrumpfender Märkte in Europa ihre Kommunikationsbudgets.
Jörg Jelden stellt die zentralen Ergebnisse des Think-Tanks „Agenturen der Zukunft“ vor, anschließend diskutieren Experten die Ergebnisse und Anknüpfungsmöglichkeiten.

Herzlichen Dank an Susanne, Svenja, Jörg und Jeremy für die Freigabe.


RFC13-6: Communities Revisited

Nathalie Sonne, Carolin Neumann (mod), Anette NovakRobert Drakogiannakis: Communities Revisited – Leaving the bubble behind, Reeperbahn Festival 2013

Not talking to your audience, your customers, your users is not an option anymore. While most companies have understood this, they – especially media companies – stay in their bubble and don’t spend too much time on thinking what kinds of communities they really need to build to survive the media crisis. This panel looks beyond simple social media communication and dives into the minds of people who get what it means to really interact with your target audience.

Many thanks to Anette, Nathalie, Robert and Carolin for the permission to share the recording.


RFC13-5: On the citizen’s side

Anette NovakOn the citizen's side, Reeperbahn Festival 2013

Few businesses have been so disrupted by the digital evolution as publishing. But your favourite news brand don’t have to die. If they play their cards right they will not only keep their strong community position, they will strengthen them. The future is spelled interactivity and innovation. Opening up the media houses and bringing in crossdiciplinary crowd creativity into every aspect of the operations. But to succeed, the executives need to stop running after the money – and instead finding a vision and a mission, shared by the community.

Many thanks to Anette for the permission to share the recording.


RFC13-4: Crowdfunding

Celine LazorthesCrowdfunding, A New Economy? Reeperbahn Festival 2013

The financial sector is one of the few sectors that has not yet been disrupted. While it may be possible today to access one’s bank balance online, old habits still dominate the financial sector. However, in contrast to the on-going recession, a new financial model is gaining more and more momentum: crowdfunding. Recording an album, starting a company or yet raising funds for a good cause – the “crowd” assumes its power and boosts innovation y reuniting its force. In 2013, five billion dollar will be collected on crowdfunding sites around the globe. In ten years, crowdfunding websites will already handle 1000 billion dollars per year.

Céline Lazorthes is the founder of two of Europe’s leading players within the collaboration consumption: Leetchi.com, a website for group financing and MangoPay, a certified payment solution for the collaborative consumption. In her talk, Lazorthes would like to highlight the advantages and also the risks of the so-called shareconomy and also take a look at the legal perspective.

Many thanks to Celine for the permission to share the recording.

Update: A video is available as well.
